Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010




In this slide friction physics activity kids will learn about force of friction and how it is reduced and while hanging out in the play ground.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

newton's law of motion

newton's law of motion

newton's law of motion

the gravitational force, which produces acceleration in both Earth and the stone. The above relation tells us that the acceleration produced due to the gravitational force is more in the case of the stone as its mass is very small whereas the acceleration produced in the Earth will be negligible as the Earth is massive. The acceleration produced in the Earth being very small, the displacement of the Earth is negligible whereas in the case of the stone, the acceleration produced is very large and hence we see the stone moving towards the Earth. This example shows that Newton's third law is applicable to the gravitational force.
By actual calculation, let us find out the acceleration produced in the stone and in the Earth and the displacement due to their force.

newton's law of motion


Coefficient of friction between Steel on Steel, Steel On Aluminum, Steel On Cast Iron, Cast Iron On Cast Iron can be found on the following table. The connected surfaces depends on the material of the connected parts, roughness, surface treatment and degreasing of the connected surfaces.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


You could not walk without the friction between your shoes and the ground. As you try to step forward, you push your foot backward. Friction holds your shoe to the ground, allowing you to walk. Consider how difficult it is to walk on slippery ice, where there is little friction.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Friction means force that resists the movement of one object over another, resulting heat. The force acts in the opposite direction to the way an object wants to slide. If a car needs to stop at a stop sign, it slows because of the friction between the brakes and the wheels.


You will find friction everywhere that objects come into contact with each other. The force acts in the opposite direction to the way an object wants to slide. If a car needs to stop at a stop sign, it slows because of the friction between the brakes and the wheels. If you run down the sidewalk and stop quickly, you can stop because of the friction between your shoes and the cement. What happens if you run down the sidewalk and you try to stop on a puddle? Friction is still there, but the liquid makes the surfaces smoother and the friction a lot less. Less friction means it is harder to stop. The low friction thing happens to cars when it rains. That's why there are often so many accidents. Even though the friction of the brakes is still there, the brakes may be wet, and the wheels are not in as much contact with the ground. Cars hydroplane when they go too fast on puddles of water.
